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If you want a professional career as a dancer it is necessary to live in or around LA or NY which is where most employment opportunities originate.

Please send hard copy submissions via regular mail and include a cover letter, headshot and resume. We do not require video footage. We will call you in, if interested, for the next new client audition.

A Director offers a wide range of services to bring together the creative and technical elements of a production from inception to completion. Core responsibilities include collaborating on all the vital elements of production such as concept, stage, lighting, and screen content design as well as wardrobe, music, choreography and special effects. In addition, they may also be heavily involved with script writing and sometimes camera directing depending on the project. The results of this experienced leadership are memorable performances for world tours, award shows, reality competition series, as well as arena tours and other spectacle performances.

We observe class at The Edge Performance Arts Center once a month in LA and in New York we observe classes at The Broadway Dance Center. Please check with us to find out when we will be there.

JUST A FEW MORE DAYS UNTIL MSA’s Kids & Teens Audition & we are SUPER EXCITED to announce that the incredible Nika Kljun will be teaching BOTH the Kids & the Teens!! Come out and get ready for some high energy fun!! August 11th at The Edge Performing Arts Center. 6300 Romain st. Ste 100 Los Angeles, CA 90038 AGES 5-12, sign in at 9:30 am/audition at 10:00 am. AGES 13-16, sign in at 12:30 am/ audition at 1:00 pm. Please bring a headshot and resume. McDonald Selznick Associates is seeking dancers for all areas of representation. Please submit a photo, resume, cover letter, and a few minutes of footage showcasing your BEST work. After reviewing your material, the Dance Department will contact you if they are interested in setting up a meeting. We hold auditions every fall and spring.

Choreography is the art of devising dances but what a choreographer actually does is much more than steps. Choreography can be used to convey every human emotion, from anger to love, fear to humor. Where writers use words, the choreographer uses movement. Instead of a painter’s canvas the choreographer employs the human body. From the broadest gesture to the blink of an eye, the body’s movements are the tools of the choreographer’s craft. In addition to devising dance steps, choreographers work with actors to develop their characters and with recording artists to create their “signature” visual image. It is, however, the full-blown production number that remains the most conspicuous example of the choreographer’s work. Through a magical fusion of music and dance, the choreographer conjures up a spectacle that is at once thrilling and life-affirming– a feast for the eyes and a tonic for the soul!


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